Freitag, 31. Mai 2024

Hair Fair exclusive offers, 1st - 16th June 2024

 Hi fans, we have two exclusive new, 2 recolored and 2 gift hair packages for you at this year's Hair Fair.

Only available between 1st and 16th June here: 

50% of all our Hair Fair sale income is donated to the Wigs for Kids organization. Gift cards and store credits will not work at this event, because that would reduce the donation amount.


Freitag, 24. Mai 2024

Summer Is Coming Shopping & Treasure Hunt event outside Long Beach main store!

 Hi fans, we started this year's Summer Is Coming shopping and treasure hunt event outside our Long Beach main store, with 22 hairstyling packages in blonde tones. The treasure hunt items are little treasure chests, this time. Touch them to get the gifts. Come enjoy:


Samstag, 18. Mai 2024

New group gifts with new unicorn colors hairstyling sets @ Alli&Ali Designs

 Hi fans, we have new group gifts for you in our main stores on the info tables.

Both with the new unicorn colors set. More styles with this color set are in the current unicorn colors sale in the special display stands in the main store entrance halls. 

Come enjoy:


Samstag, 11. Mai 2024

Spring Spectaculum extended & Mother's Day treasure hunt

 Hi fans, so on famous demand we extended the Spring Spectaculum shopping and treasure hunt event outside the Alli&Ali hair store until 20th May, and inside the Alli&Ali store awaits another surprise flower treasure hunt with gift card reward only this weekend for mothers day so come enjoy:


Samstag, 4. Mai 2024

Costume Hairstyling gifts and special offers @ Alli&Ali!

 Hi fans, so as some of you might know, we offer quite a variety of costuming hairstyles, so for today's occasion, we have our hairstyles Luke and Leia in the group gift bags, and some more occasionally in the new 5 L 1 hour vendor so come on over enjoy and may the force be with you!